11 December 2021: M365 Saturday Bangalore 2021: Build a Teams creation workflow using Power Automate. Online event
Demonstrating how to use Lists and Power Automate to build a Team creation process to govern the creation of Teams. Build on the standard process to require a justification, an approval step, add multiple owners and apply your own naming standard.
Associated blog post Create a simple Teams creation workflow using Power Automate.
16-17 November 2021: Teams Day Online 4: Build a Teams creation workflow using Power Automate. Online event
Use Lists and Power Automate to build a Team creation process to govern the creation of Teams. Build on the standard process to require a justification, an approval step, add multiple owners and apply your own naming standard.
Associated blog post Create a simple Teams creation workflow using Power Automate.

13 November 2021: Lisbon 2021 | Collabdays: Microsoft Teams lifecycle Management to stop Teams sprawl. Online event

Associated blog post Implementing Microsoft Teams governance to stop Teams sprawl.
16 October 2021 South Coast Summit – A Microsoft Cloud Technology Conference: Microsoft Teams lifecycle Management to stop Teams sprawl. In-person Southampton, England
The largest FREE Cloud Technology Conference, focussing on the Microsoft stack, to be held in the UK, in person in 2021.

Associated blog post Implementing Microsoft Teams governance to stop Teams sprawl.
19-20 May UCX Now 2021: Round table discussion: Securing your UC systems for multi-modal work. Online event
Roundtable discussion on the best practices for secure Microsoft Teams collaboration.
14 May 2021 M365 Philly Virtual 2021 : Microsoft Teams lifecycle Management to stop Teams sprawl. Online event
Microsoft Teams empowers users to collaborate. However without governance it is easy for organizations to create thousands of Teams sites with no clear ownership and no lifecycle. Resulting in uncontrolled growth which can quickly turn into sprawl resulting in an IT admin headache to manage and lead to user confusion and dissatisfaction as they struggle to identify which is the correct team to use.
This session will discuss best practices on how to implement Teams lifecycle management to manage your teams through the following stages:
1. Teams creation
2. Ongoing management
3. End of life
Associated blog post Implementing Microsoft Teams governance to stop Teams sprawl.
7 April 2021 Teams Day Online 3: How to Collaborate securely with guests in Microsoft Teams. Online event
The first part of the session will discuss the Microsoft 365 configuration best practices to enable secure collaboration with guests in Teams.
The second part of the session will recommend how to implement a guest lifecycle management process, to ensure your guests only have access to the information they need, for the time they need.
Associated blog post How to collaborate securely with guests in Microsoft Teams.