Microsoft Teams Chat formatting of messages

Advanced formatting in Microsoft Teams Chats

Users often find that Microsoft Teams Chat formatting is very basic when creating posts in Team chats and channel conversations. Did you know that Microsoft Teams chats and channel messages allows you to add in advanced formatting? Its just hidden away.

Read on to find out how in just one click you can use lots of additional features to use in your Microsoft Teams chat and channel conversations.

Teams chats are often quick so the majority of time you do not need advanced formatting

However there are occasions where you need more creativity or complexity in your chats where a plain text is not suitable. Or you just need you message to be more visible.

Launch the advanced formatting from either a new or reply to a Teams chat or Channel conversation click on the ‘Format’ icon (letter A with a paint brush) underneath the text box. Voila!  This expands the message box and show lots of additional features that you can now include in your message.

What are the Microsoft Teams Chat formatting features:

  • Create an announcement so your Teams chat or channel message stands out with a headings, sub headings and images
  • Add a subject title to your message
  • Restrict replies by only allow yourself and other moderators. Useful if you are posting to a large team
  • Cross post your message to multiple channels and Teams at the same time. Useful if you have several teams affected by a change or update. Note you can only post to Teams you are a member of.
  • Add links to your message
  • Mark your message important
  • Allow more comprehensive formatting such as bold, italic, underline paragraph styles, bullets, indents
  • Highlight sections of text or change to colour of your text
  • Allow tables to be inserted into message
  • Add code snippets
  • Add a quote to your text

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