Staying up-to-date on the latest developments on Microsoft 365 Copilot is vital in today’s fast-paced world. However, keeping track of all the updates and changes can be time-consuming. But don’t worry! This blog will explain how to use Power Power Automate to send your personalized Microsoft 365 Copilot RSS news feed to a Microsoft ToDo list (or any location). Once set up, you will receive updates as soon as new content is published without spending endless hours searching for them. With this approach, you will always be up-to-date with the latest Microsoft 365 Copilot news and information, and you can say goodbye to the hassle of manually tracking updates.
This blog is your ultimate guide to staying ahead of the game, ensuring you never miss any crucial updates. Using Power Automate and RSS feeds, you can automatically add new and updated content to your To-Do list and be the first to know about any critical information. With this simple yet effective approach, you can stay in control and stay ahead of the curve.
You can create your own personalised Microsoft 365 Copilot RSS news feed by selecting which sources of information you want to follow. The only requirement is the source must have an RSS feed. Example Microsoft sources with RSS feeds are:
- Microsoft Learn Microsoft Learn
- Official Microsoft Blog The Official Microsoft Blog
- Microsoft 365 Roadmap Microsoft 365 Roadmap
- Microsoft 365 Copilot Tech Community blog Microsoft 365 Copilot – Microsoft Community Hub
- Microsoft 365 Tech Community Blog Microsoft 365 Blog
A Power Automate flow is created for each RSS feed. Each time a new page is published to the RSS feed, the flow is triggered, which adds a new Task to your ToDo task list. If you are adding multiple RSS sources to the task list, then use hashtags for each feed so you can filter by source.
Create your Microsoft 365 Copilot RSS news feed
Copy the RSS feed URL for each source. Some RSS feeds are simple. For example, the Microsoft 365 Copilot – Microsoft Community blog has an RSS feed button. Copy the URL to capture all new blog items on the Microsoft 365 Copilot tech community blog.

The Microsoft Learn RSS feed is more complex as you need to define your search criteria and then create the RSS feed.
Search for Microsoft 365 Copilot. Remember to add “Microsoft 365 Copilot” in double quotes to ensure the phrase is searched and not the individual words.

You have the option to filter by Content area and or Products. For example, filter by Documentation or filter by Microsoft 365. You can also refine your search criteria.

Once you are happy with your search criteria, scroll to the bottom of the page to capture the RSS feed URL.

Create a Power Automate flow to send your Microsoft 365 Copilot RSS news feed to Microsoft To Do
Create a separate Power Automate flow for each RSS news feed, so if you have five RSS feeds you need to create five Power Automate flows.
The Power Automate flow is triggered when a page is published to the Microsoft 365 Copilot RSS news feed.
The Power Automate flow adds a new Microsoft To-Do Task for each new RSS feed item. If you have multiple Each flow can create tasks in the same ToDo task list.
From Power Automate, select +Create, then select Automated Cloud Flow and select your flow trigger as RSS: When a feed item is published as the trigger.

Paste the RSS feed URL from your chosen site—for example, the RSS feed of the Microsoft 3665 Copilot Tech Community blog.

Add an Action Add a To-Do (V3) (Business). This creates a new To-Do task in the Task list of your choice. I created a dedicated task list for Microsoft 365 Copilot updates and hashtags for each RSS feed.
- To-do list = M365 Copilot Updates (You can select any task list you have created in To-Do)
- Title = Include the Feed Title and the Feed Published date. Include a hashtag, e.g. #M365CopilotBlog, to filter by RSS feed source.
- Body Content = Feed summary and Primary feed link (links to the web page)

The flow is triggered every time a new page is published to your RSS news feed. The flow creates a new To-Do task in your Task list.
The task includes a summary and a link to the source page. If you also have hashtags for your different sources, you can easily filter by RSS feed.
You now have your personalised Microsoft 365 Copilot RSS news feed in ToDo.

Testing your flow
Flows triggered by an RSS feed can’t be tested. You must wait until one of the tracked pages changes, so your flow may take several days to trigger.
The best way to test your Microsoft 365 Copilot RSS news feed is to create a manually triggered Instant flow and list RSS feed items for a specific period, for example, the last week, the previous month, etc. This should return some results so you can test that the feed URL works as expected and a task is created. An example Power Automate flow is shown below.

Don’t want to use Microsoft ToDo, then send the feeds to another applications
If you do not want to use Microsoft Do you can also send your RSS news feed to other applications. For example:
- Outlook. See Subscribe to an RSS Feed (microsoft.com) for details on how to set this up.
- Microsoft Teams channel. See Add or remove app notifications in a channel (Connectors) (microsoft.com) for details on how to set this up.
- Use a Power Automate RSS template to post a notification to your favourite Microsoft or third-party app. See RSS | Microsoft Power Automate for details on how to set this up.
In addition, Power Automate has numerous templates you can use. For example, you can use Power Automate templates to send your RSS notifications to Microsoft Teams or Outlook and 3rd party applications.

Create your own personalised Microsoft 365 Copilot RSS news feed to ensure you keep up with the latest news on Microsoft 365 Copilot. With this simple and efficient approach, you can take control and stay ahead of the curve. Don’t fall behind – try this approach today!
Don’t limit yourself to Microsoft 365 Copilot. Create personalized feeds. For example, I previously wrote a blog on tracking updates to Microsoft Docs pages in Microsoft To-Do.